Our Curriculum

At Five Stars Childcare daycare, we aim to fulfill a child's desire to learn through daily educational classes. We include elements of a creative curriculum approach as well as the Montessori method and a wide range of enrichment classes. With the the guidance and support of nurturing and experienced educators, we encourage each child to be confident in their talents and abilities.

Our Creative Curriculum aim's to make the classroom an informative, joyful, and stimulating environment. The curriculum focuses on social and emotional development to help a child develop all of the tools they need to be successful in life. Children learn essential life skills through lessons on community, animals, transportation, and more. Through hands-on activities, children develop life and social skills. Teachers play the role of a guide - supporting students in their educational journey and helping them gain the knowledge necessary for Kindergarten. Our goal is to help children develop themselves into well-rounded individuals who are curious, confident, and compassionate.